


   黄启洪,男,理学博士。20176月毕业于湖南师范大学物理与信息科学学院。20177月起在遵义师范学院物理与电子科学学院工作。主要承担《普通物理学》、《热力学与统计物理》、《高等数学》等课程的教学任务。主要从事引力理论的相关研究,现主持国家自然科学基金项目《自生宇宙模型的相关研究》,参与国家自然科学基金项目3项,主持贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目1项。先后以第一作者在《Physical Review D》、《The European Physical Journal C》、《Annals of Physics》等sci源检索刊物上发表6篇学术论文。


[1] Qihong Huang, He Huang, Jun Chen and Shuai Kang, On the stability of Einstein static universe in general scalar-tensor theory with non-minimal derivative coupling, Annals of Physics, 339 (2018) 124.

[2] Qihong Huang, Puxun Wu and Hongwei Yu, Stability of Einstein static universe in gravity theory with a non-minimal derivative coupling, The European Physical Journal C, 78 (2018) 51.

[3] Qihong Huang, Puxun Wu and Hongwei Yu, Emergent scenario in the Einstein-Cartan theory, Physical Review D, 91 (2015) 103502.
[4] Qihong Huang, Juhuang Chen and Yongjiu Wang, Critical escape velocity for a charged particle in Ernst spacetime, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 24 ( 2015) 1550054.
[5] Qihong Huang, Juhua Chen and Yongjiu Wang, Spinning Particle in Gravitational Field of Black Hole Involving Global Monopole, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 54 (2015) 459.

[6] Qihong Huang, Juhua Chen and Yongjiu Wang, Chaotic Motion of a Charged Particle around a Weakly Magnetized Schwarzschild Black Hole Containing Cosmic String, Chinese Physics Letters, 31 (2014) 060402.

[7] FeiQuan Tu, Yixin Chen and Qihong Huang, Thermodynamics in the Universe Described by the Emergence of Space and the Energy Balance Relation, Entropy, 21 (2019) 167.

